Visibility of Public Administration Reform Project with the Government of the Republic of Serbia in the communication campaign

In May, PAR Visibility & Communication Project team’s efforts were focused on the implementation of the first month of an intensive PAR communication campaign. The main focus of the campaign was the EU support to PAR. It was introduced through 3 selected subjects: eServices; Reform of Inspections; and Promoting EU support to PAR in Serbia and new Online Monitoring Tool developed with the support of EU assistance.

This was done through cooperation with 21 local media (TV stations and portals) and 12 national media (TV and radio stations, daily newspapers and their portals, news agencies and news portals).

Here is an overview of outputs in the course of the campaign in May 2020:

  • 62 video reports and articles on local and regional media (TV and internet portals) with approximately 360 minutes of prime-time news programme
  • 5 appearances on national TV stations with approximately 25 minutes in news programme
  • 4 articles in print media
  • 9 articles in online media and portals


In cooperation with the MPALSG and the Office for IT & eGovernment the project team prepared articles and TV reports in which eServices were promoted by using examples of 2 electronic services which were important and operational at the moment (eEnrolment and eKindergarten). Here is a sample of published and broadcasted articles and TV reports (we are quoting only the media with national coverage):

National media
LinkBroadcasting/ publishing date
RTSHere15. may
N1Here14. may
Blic.rsHere15. may
14. may
15. may
15. may

Reform of inspections

The Contact Centre of Inspections was launched as one of the results of the reform which was also supported by the EU. This Contact Centre has also had an important role during the COVID-19 pandemic. In cooperation with the MPALSG, the project team prepared media products in which the results in the first 6 weeks were presented.
Here is a sample of published and broadcasted articles and TV reports:

National mediaLinkBroadcasting/ publishing date
N1Here23. may
TV happyHere
26. may
Večernje novostiHere
21. may
21. may
21. may

Promotion of EU support to PAR and PAR Online Monitoring Tool

The Project team in cooperation with the MPALSG interviewed Ambassador Sem Fabrizi and Minister Branko Ružić and produced a short TV interview which was broadcasted on both local and national media. Also, an article was prepared with statements from Ambassador Sem Fabrizi, Minister Branko Ružić and representative of SIGMA Gregor Virant which was published in daily newspaper Politika.

Two infographics on EU support to PAR were prepared and used on PAR info web page, social media and as illustration of TV reports and articles. The EUIC also shared the infographics on their social media and an article on PAR OMT was featured on the EUD website.

National media
LinkBroadcasting/ publishing date
N1Here29. may
Beta News AgencyHere28. may

After a break during June due to the ongoing general election campaign in Serbia, the activities on the PAR communication campaign were continued in July 2020.

Last updated: March 13, 2025, 15:05